LUM Receives $100,000 Matching Opportunity to Benefit 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program

The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette announced a new endowment and gift matching opportunity to support the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program. Richard C. & Betty M. Nelson have generously offered to match dollar-for-dollar, gifts of $1,000 or greater for an endowment named in honor of the Nelsons. Gifts of $10,000 or greater qualify for a named endowment, i.e., Joan and James Smith Endowment for the 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program at Lafayette Urban Ministry. Gifts will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until matching funds are accounted for or, through July 15, 2023, whichever comes first.
To participate in this match opportunity, please email or call Candy Silver with The Foundation regarding the types of gifts that are eligible for this matching program ( | 765-742-9078).
The Nelsons said,
“For the two of us, a favorite Biblical quote explains very well why we created an endowment to support the children of LUM: ‘We drink from wells we did not dig; we are warmed by fires we did not kindle.’ (Deut. 6.11) Even though Dick grew up poor and sixth of eight children, and Betty lost her father, the breadwinner of the family, at a young age, in our time on this earth, we both received vast unearned advantages. Others enriched and encouraged us, and shaped our young lives. We are thankful that now we can share some of our assets to benefit children of future generations.”
The LUM executive director, Wes Tillett said,
“The 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is a game-changer. Rather than allowing summer to interrupt their development, children in the 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program are actively engaged all summer. Children benefit academically, socially, and psychologically. The Nelson’s endowment, and the gifts they will inspire, is such a blessing and will ensure that many children in Greater Lafayette will continue to have this life-enhancing, education-advancing resource available to them.”
Established in 2011, the 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program is dedicated to closing the academic achievement gap for students who are struggling, and providing enrichment for students who are doing well for ages pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. The program is run by the LUM Youth Programs Director, trained personnel, and screened volunteer staff. Students participate in active learning activities based on Indiana academic standards in addition to fun crafts, recreation, and educational field trips. Students also receive free lunch and nutritional snacks while participating in the program. In 2022, 64 local children were enrolled.
The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette, established in 1970, serves the Tippecanoe County area. Its mission is to inspire, nurture, and practice philanthropy, stewardship, and leadership in the communities served.
Lafayette Urban Ministry is an organization of more than 45 churches that serves as a social safety net for individuals, children and families in Tippecanoe County. For 50 years, LUM has worked to give back the hope, the future, and the self-respect to our neighbors in need. LUM takes an active role in trying to change social injustices and improve the quality of life for the individuals, children and families in our community.
Email or call Candy Silver with The Foundation regarding the types of gifts that are eligible for this matching program ( | 765-742-9078).