LUM Camp 2020! Re-imaged & Successful!
The Best Week of the Year for 39 Campers

LUM Camp kicked off on Tuesday, July 28, for 39 local youth. LUM Camp is an overnight summer camp for children, aged 8, 9 and 10 years old, who come from families served by Lafayette Urban Ministry, which has happened every summer since the early 1960s. The fun, friendship and life-enhancing benefits were the same, but LUM Camp 2020 looked different due to COVID-19.
This year the theme was Join the Green Side. The week focused on interactive and experiential learning and was filled with traditional “camp” activities. There were also opportunities to teach the children how to be safe and stay healthy during the pandemic, especially in preparation for what they will deal with when they return to school later this month. There were fewer campers and more counselors. Campers practiced social distancing, wore face masks, interacted in small groups, had their temperature checked & washed their hands throughout the day, and had staggered meals and activities. As expected, the LUM Campers had a blast!
Through your donations, campership gifts, and volunteer time, you made it possible for our LUM Campers to have a life-changing experience that they will remember fondly for the rest of their lives. If you wish to make a donation to LUM Camp, go to
To view PHOTOS of LUM Camp 2020, click HERE.