Urgent Need – COVID-19 Disinfectant Items
COVID-19 Supplies – High Demand, Urgent Need
As Lafayette Urban Ministry continues to serve local families and prepare for expanding in-person services, the supplies required by the CDC and state have been very difficult to find. Below are four of our most recent “donation heroes.”
Pictured clockwise are Amy Engers donating disinfectant wipes, toilet paper and paper towels; Mammaw’s Sweet Shoppe donating food; Connie Decker donating face masks; and Issac Leichty donating paper towels.

THANK YOU to all of the families, churches and groups that have given their love and support to LUM during this crisis. A list of the COVID-19 supplies that are “out of stock” and LUM urgently needs are as follows:
- Bleach
- Disinfectant Spray (Lysol)
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves
- Liquid Soap (1 gal.)
- Hand Sanitizer (2 L)
- Hand Wipes – Disinfecting
- Paper Towels, Toilet Paper
If you with to donate NEEDED ITEMS to LUM, check out our “wishlist.” To view, click HERE.