Cole Elementary School 4th Graders Visit LUM
Students Learn, Tour & Donate “Needed Items”

Students from Ms. Bredar & Ms. Ferger’s 4th Grade classes at Cole Elementary School (TSC), visited the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center this past Monday. The students were on a field trip to attend a downtown show, and during their trip, their teachers scheduled some time for the students to visit and learn more about LUM. Joe Micon, the LUM executive director, gave the students a tour of the youth center and emergency shelter and shared information on the LUM programs & services. At the end of their visit, the Cole Elementary School students presented Joe Micon with lots of ” needed items” for the Emergency Shelter and After School Program. Thanks to Ms. Bredar & Ms. Ferger and their students for a wonderful visit, caring about LUM, and collecting ” needed items” for our students and shelter guests.