LUM Staff Tour New Engagement Center
Important Partnership Focused on Homelessness

With the opening of the community’s new Engagement Center (815 N 12th St, Lafayette), there are opportunities to improve how individuals experiencing homelessness receive assistance and services. Communication between LUM & LTHC Homeless Services will continue to be vital in creating a supportive and caring community.
Last week, the LUM staff met with LTHC staff at their new Engagement Center for a tour and discussion about new ways to collaborate. The meeting was positive, informative, and constructive. New procedures have been instituted that enhance the services offered by both LUM and LTHC Homeless Services and further the missions of both. Attending the meeting (pictured L to R) were Dave Heckert, LUM Emergency Shelter director; Pablo Malavenda, executive program director; Jennifer Shook, LTHC Homeless Services development director; Linda Hicks, LUM Good Samaritan Program director; Jennifer Layton, LTHC Homeless Services executive director; and Joe Micon, LUM executive director.
This is a new beginning, which will only strengthen this important partnership. LUM appreciates the support and hospitality from our friends at LTHC Homeless Services.