Spotlight on Superstar LUM Volunteer
Isabel Petkov – LUM Immigration Clinic Volunteer

Originally from Brookfield, Illinois, Isabel Petkov lives in West Lafayette with her parents, Chris & Ivan, and her sisters, Claire (16) & Anna (13). She graduated from Harrison High School and now attends Indiana University, where she’s majoring in Law & Public Policy with a minor in Spanish, and was a member of the Civic Leaders Living Learning Community. With the LLC, Isabel volunteered at a homeless shelter and community garden and registered people to vote.
At LUM this summer, Isabel volunteered with the Immigration Clinic — translating, meeting with clients, and assisting the director. While in high school, she also volunteered with the LUM After School Program. The experience reminded Isabel of something her grandmother tells her often — “Tomorrow’s Never Promised.” She now realizes that every little thing she does to assist someone in need has an impact. She shared,
“Working with clients at LUM has been eye-opening. The Immigration Clinic is really needed and necessary. The LUM staff is welcoming, hard-working and thorough. It’s been rewarding to know, even ‘I’ can help.”
This work has given Isabel a lot to think about as she develops her plan of study at IU and starts thinking about her career and advanced degrees.
In addition to school and volunteering, Isabel loves hanging out with her friends, supporting her sisters’ activities, reading — and occasionally listening to K-Pop.
For more information on how to VOLUNTEER with Lafayette Urban Ministry, click HERE.