LUM-LARA Offers Citizenship Classes

{Pictured above from Left to right: (top row) Brenda Weiner, Arturo, Ambrose Ringor; (second row) Jim Beaver, Susan Brouillette, Pam Ringor, Cindy Rice, (third row) Lupita Leon, Yi “Elaine” Ling, Beata Ribeiro.}
Since 2015, the LUM Immigration Clinic and LARA (Lafayette Adult Resource Academy) have offered free naturalization classes. The LUM-LARA Citizenship Classes also receive technical and material support from the Ackerman Center for Democracy at Purdue University. The Ackerman Center has provided textbooks and other resources for the classroom in addition to providing volunteer teachers with additional learning tools.
During the five week session, students learn about U.S history and government in preparation for their naturalization exam. All of the students who took the Spring class have either filed for naturalization or expressed they will be applying within the next six months.
Volunteers Karen Countryman and Scott Frankenberger coordinate the LUM/LARA Citizenship classes and are assisted by volunteer teachers Jim Beaver, Beata Ribeiro, Eileen Arthur, Michael Brouillette, Jim Altepeter, Kris Tiffany, Charlene Watson, Pat Garrott, Laura Farkas, and Andrea Wallpe. In addition, students are welcomed by many volunteers who assist teachers and provide refreshments.
Summer citizenship classes will continue through August 15. Classes meet at LARA on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon till 2:30 p.m. We still need volunteers to sign up to bring refreshments as well as assist teachers. Click HERE to view the sign up sheet.