
LUM’s Impact in 2018 (So Far)

LUM Programs 2018 Statistics – First Five Months

During the first five months of 2018, Lafayette Urban Ministry services have touched the lives of 2,737 households through one or another of our 16 programs. Families were strengthened, and children were educated.

Some LUM program details (from January 1 – May 31, 2018) are as follows:


  • Emergency Shelter for the homeless—375 individuals were provided overnight accommodations 5,393 times. The average guest utilized LUM’s shelter 13 nights during that time frame.
  • Good Samaritan Program—$47,103 in direct cash assistance was provided 697 times to 544 households.
  • Haircuts—60 individuals received free haircuts.
  • ID Clinic—65 individuals were served.
  • Immigration Clinic—83 individuals were served.
  • New Opportunity Fund—8 individuals received grants to move into their own homes.
  • St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry—2,768 households were served. 1,376 were new families.
  • Tax Assistance Program (free income tax preparation for low-wage workers)—522 tax returns filed from mid-January through mid-April. Tax refunds and credits totaling $406,444 were returned to those households — an average refund of $1,736 per household. The average annual adjusted gross income for those served by the program was $20,502.
  • Winter Warming Station—132 individuals used the Winter Warming Station for a total of 485 visits.


  • 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program (started on May 29)—50 children have been enrolled this summer.
  • After School Program—66 Kindergarten through 8th grade students participated in the program during the 2017 – 2018 school year, which ended on May 25.
  • LUM Camp—90 children, 40 counselors and 25 program leaders will be in attendance at this overnight summer camp for children (8 to 10 years old) during the first week of August. 35 children have signed up so far.

Thank you for your support so far this year. LUM couldn’t do it without you.

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