Elmwood Youth Group Works with LUM Students
Elmwood Church of Christ – Mission Stay 2018
As a part of their 2018 “Mission Stay,” the Youth Group at Elmwood Church of Christ, Lafayette, engaged with the students enrolled in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program.
Led by Phil Travis, Elmwood’s Youth and Family Minister, 11 high school and middle school students spent three days with the LUM students — doing a science project, learning music, making arts & crafts and participating in reading pods. Thanks to the Elmwood Youth Group. To view more photos of their visit, click HERE.
If you or your groups would like to volunteer with 5th Quarter, see below for more details. If you wish to sponsor a field trip or special event for 5th Quarter, call or email, Amanda Bajzatt (765.423.2691 | abajzatt@lumserve.org). If you wish to make an investment in 5th Quarter, click below.