LUM Students Learn About Crime Prevention
Sergeant O’Shields Visits LUM After School Program
Last week, the students enrolled in the LUM After School Program were visited by Sergeant Ian O’Sheilds of the Lafayette Police Department. As part of LPD Crime Prevention & Community Outreach, Sgt. O’Sheilds worked with the students to understand and learn more about “personal safety and emotional intelligence around school based violence.” It was a interactive and fun program — and the students learned about many important issues facing students today. Thank you to Sgt. O’Sheilds and the Lafayette Police Department for sharing this program with the LUM students.
The LUM After School Program provides safe, fun and enriching childcare for children in Kindergarten to 8th grade. The program serves up to 80 children from all elementary & middle schools in Tippecanoe County for three hours each school-day afternoon, enabling their parents to finish their workday. The children are transported from their schools to the LUM After School Program at Central Presbyterian Church — where they work on homework, have a nutritious snack, and participate in crafts, music, and other fun recreational and educational activities. The program is staffed by a professionally trained educator, teacher’s aides, interns and volunteers.