LUM Camp 2018 – Sponsor a Camper
Sponsor a Local Child to Attend LUM CAMP 2018
Dear Friends —
At LUM Camp 2018, we’ll hunt for fireflies, sing around campfires, play flashlight tag and even provide our campers with a grand fireworks display on the last night of camp!
Our plans for LUM Camp 2018 are a big order – and that’s why I am writing to you. LUM Camp is a scholarship-based camp for 8, 9 and 10 year old boys and girls. We only invite children whose parents are not able to pay for the $150+ per child cost of most other summer camps. I am hoping that you will consider a gift of $150 to send a local child to LUM Camp 2018.
Your “campership” will pay for a child’s transportation, room and board, camp activities, supplies and all of our science programs and educators – everything a camper will need to attend this year’s LUM Camp.
- Sending $300 will allow two children to attend LUM Camp
- Sending $450 will provide 3 camperships
- $75 will provide one-half of a campership
Please, will you help me? Working together, we can offer this life-changing experience to another group of LUM campers this summer. Through your kindness today, you can have a positive impact upon a child for years to come.