Two Local Job Openings
Position Announcements—Please Share
Below are two professional positions in education and childcare. One is a half time position at Lafayette Urban Ministry working with students in the After School and 5th Quarter Summer Learning Programs. The second is the Heads Up Site Director (quarter time) at Federated Church in West Lafayette.
Please share these positions with others. Detailed information on each position may be found below. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Director of Elementary Education—LUM
This half time position promotes and supervises the academic progress and achievement of children enrolled in Lafayette Urban Ministry after school and summer learning retention programs.
Pay: $16,814 starting salary; $5,044 starting cash benefit; 4 weeks of vacation per year
Requirements: Successful candidate will possess one year of classroom teaching experience and a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education from an accredited college or university
Duties: Daily activities include reading promotion, homework help, communication with teachers and parents, use of online communication and learning platforms, planning of educational enrichment activities and recreational activities and transportation of children from schools on activity bus.
- Must work well with volunteers
- Year-round responsibilities
- 5 afternoons per week. 18.75 hours/week
How to Apply: Email a cover letter, resume and teaching philosophy by noon on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 to LUM Executive Director at
Heads Up Site Director — Federated Church
Part time position, 6-8 hours/week; academic schedule and 10 week summer—to begin August 2017 — at Country Villa Apartments, West Lafayette.
Pay: $8,000
Requirements: Standard child background check; College degree in education, social work or related field, or appropriate experience
- Lead tutoring sessions on site (Country Villa, West Lafayette) twice a week during school year
- Assign tasks to volunteers to help students with academic work
- Attendance record; student academic progress documentation
- Understand milestones for grade level and find appropriate activities
- Support parents in parent teacher conferences if necessary
- Present report/semester to Program Director of at risk students and their progress
- Lead a summer program of enrichment, field trips and fun. Suggested topics:
– Social skills
– Remedial academic work if possible
– Computer skills
- Help for older students applying to college/vocational school; ie. 21st century application
- Total 6-8 hours per week,
- Two weekdays following the school schedule,
- 90 minutes sessions; for example, 3:30-5 p.m. per session or 4-5:30 p.m.
- Minimum 4 hours per week of student tutoring at Clubhouse
- Other activities could include:
– Summer enrichment
– Complex wide events, ie barbecues, twice a year
– Further individual tutoring
– Parental Follow up
– Volunteer recruitment
– Documentation & records
How to Apply: Email a cover letter and resume by Friday, July 14, 2017 to Pauline Shen at