Meet Chip—Volunteer LUM Bus Driver
At the end of another school year, the spotlight is on volunteer activity bus drivers for the LUM After School Program. One of these volunteers is Chip Goldsberry.
Chip is originally from Anderson and currently lives in West Lafayette with his wife Carolyn. They have three grown children and six grandchildren. Chip and Carolyn stay active with Central Presbyterian Church as elders and deacons and supporting world & local missions including Jubilee Christmas.
Chip is retired from Purdue University and has been driving a bus for LUM for over three years. He shared, “I love children and I like to drive — and it keeps me young of mind.” LUM provides a “unique opportunity for working families,” who are trying hard to succeed and now have one less thing to worry about because “they know that their children are in a safe and caring environment at LUM.” It’s surprisingly much more fulfilling than merely driving a bus around town. Chip learns each student’s name and uses his time with the students to ask them about their day as well as teach them to be kind, caring and respectful of each other. “We (volunteer bus drivers) have an opportunity to have a positive impact on the children and offer a service to working families trying to make it.”
During the school year, LUM needs three to four trained bus drivers each weekday. THANKS to this year’s bus drivers: Rich Frank, Jim Frantz, Chip Goldsberry, John Jones, Joan Low, Danny Pollitt & Marilou Warden.
Please consider becoming a volunteer activity bus driver with LUM youth programs. For more information, go to or call or email, Rev. Cindy Haley, LUM youth programs director (765-423-2691 |