LUM Camp — Kick Off!
LUM Camp 2016 officially kicks off TODAY. Each Summer, Lafayette Urban Ministry offers kids an enriching, learning experience to help them get more out of their summer break – more friends, more accomplishments and more belonging. LUM Camp is filled with fun and educational activities aimed at enriching youth. Campers will experience new adventures, learn and master new skills, share and trade interests with friends — all while enjoying the outdoors and group activities.
LUM Camp is a weeklong overnight camp for boys and girls, 8, 9 and 10 years old. They are children who come from families served by the Lafayette Urban Ministry. The 2016 LUM Camp theme is On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away. The theme will focus on the Indiana Bicentennial Celebration 2016.
LUM Campers will learn about our state’s rich history, famous personalities, contributions to science, agriculture, sports, and the performing arts. They will leave camp proud of their Hoosier heritage and inspired by the opportunities that await them in the years to come as citizens of our great state.
When kids are out of school, they can face hurdles that prevent them from reaching their full potential, related to hunger, water safety, academics, safe spaces to play, and health. Through LUM Camp and the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, Lafayette Urban Ministry helps children “close the gap” and achieve more, providing a safe place to learn, stay healthy and build friendships.
If you would like to make a donation to LUM Camp, click HERE.