
Micon Selected for Bicentennial Torch Relay

torchlogoLUM Executive Director Joe Micon has been chosen by the Indiana Office of Tourism and Development to participate in the Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay.

Micon is one of 2,200+ Hoosiers statewide chosen for outstanding leadership qualities and contributions to their communities and to our state. The 3,200-mile relay will travel through all 92 counties, visit 260 cities and towns, 17 state and national parks, nine lakes and rivers, 27 national, state and local sites of histojoerunningrical significance and dozens of important Indiana attractions.

Micon will run with the torch in Warren County on October 12. Prior to that, he will visit with children in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program, LUM Camp and LUM After School Program talking with them about the history of our state and asking each to write a letter to Indiana detailing their hopes and dreams for the future of our state. He will carry these letters with him as he runs.

The torch relay starts on September 9 and ends on October 15 with a celebration at the Statehouse.

Congratulations Joe!

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