Congratulations to LUM’s Mary Anderson
Dear Friends,
On this Thanksgiving Holiday, I join the LUM board, staff and our many volunteers, in expressing our thanks for Good Samaritan Program Director Mary Anderson.
After 21 years on the Lafayette Urban Ministry staff, Mary will be retiring on December 31. Mary was first hired to direct Jubilee Christmas while LUM was in the midst of its capital campaign for the new LUM office and shelter building in 1994.
She has served as assistant director of LUM Camp, LUM Emergency Shelter Director, Acting Executive Director for 5 years and of course Good Samaritan Program Director for many years. Mary has performed her ministry at LUM as an extension of God’s Grace—always kind, helpful, wise and generous in the administration of her duties.
In honor of Mary’s 21 years of professional service, the LUM Board has established the Mary Anderson Kickstart Fund. This will be a permanent account within the LUM Good Samaritan Fund that will allow up to $100 more than our usual assistance grant for those who have especially difficult utility or housing needs.
You may honor Mary Anderson’s years of service to the needy of our community in two ways:
- Make a generous year-end contribution to the Mary Anderson Kickstart Fund (Write Check to Lafayette Urban Ministry and write “Kickstart” on memo line. Or give online at
- Join us for a reception in Mary Anderson’s honor on Friday, December 18, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Lafayette Urban Ministry office, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette.
Please join me in thankful celebration for Mary Anderson’s 21 wonderful years of service to the children and families served by Lafayette Urban Ministry!
PS — Write your check to Lafayette Urban Ministry and mail it or drop it off to our office (420 N 4th Street, Lafayette). If you prefer, you may contribute to the Good Samaritan Fund online at Thank you.