Meet Father Charles – Pastor from Haiti
HUNGER HIKE Special Event
Hunger Hike 2015 – Haiti Pastor visits Hunger Hike team
West Lafayette, IN – Hunger Hike 2015 supports the fight against hunger locally through LUM, regionally through Food Finders, and globally through the Haiti Ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas.
On Monday, August 24th, the pastor of the parish in Baudin, Haiti is making a rare visit to the Lafayette area and will be meeting with the Hunger Hike team to update us on their current situation and issues as well as the impact Hunger Hike has on the people of Haiti. Father Charles, the pastor at St. Francis Xavier Church in the Diocese of Jacmel, Haiti, will be available for question/answer and individual interviews. Fr. Charles will be joined by the St. Tom’s Haiti Committee members who will share their plans for upcoming visits to Haiti. Representatives from the three sponsoring organizations (Lafayette Urban Ministry, Food Finders Food Bank, Inc. & St. Thomas Aquinas Center) will also be in attendance.
Details are as follows:
- Date: Monday, August 24
- Time: 10:30 a.m.
- Place: Newman Hall, St. Thomas Aquinas Center, 535 W State Street, West Lafayette
- FREE & Open to the Public
Hunger Hike is an annual Fall community fundraising weekend which includes the
traditional 3K Walk on Sunday as well as a 5K run on Saturday. This year Hunger Hike is Saturday, September 19 & Sunday, September 20, 2015.
All Hunger Hike proceeds directly support the Lafayette Urban Ministry food assistance programs including the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry, Food Finders Food Bank Inc., and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Haitian Ministry including the Haiti Water Purification Project.
Hunger Hike 2015 gives companies, organizations, families & individuals many ways to be a part of a community event with a tremendous positive impact on “Fighting Hunger.”
More Information: 10 Facts about Hunger in Haiti.
Fr. Patrick Baikauskas, OP
Pastor, Director of Campus Ministry
St. Thomas Aquinas Center
Joe Micon
Executive Director
Lafayette Urban Ministry
Katy Bunder
Executive Director
Food Finders Food Bank, Inc.
Hunger Hike