5th Quarter Students Read to Earn Books
This summer all of the 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program students were encouraged to participate in the Barnes & Noble “Summer Reading” program in which kids were expected to read eight books and record them in their reading journal.
By the end of the summer, most of the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program students earned a FREE book from Barnes & Noble.
During the final week of 5th Quarter, the students took a study trip to Barnes & Noble to turn in their reading journals and to pick up their free book (if they finished reading eight books.) During their visit the student had fun reading in the children’s area, shopping for their free book, and participating in a story time reading and craft.
The visit to Barnes & Noble was a special treat for the students and was another way to get them excited about reading.
To see more pictures from the last week of 5th Quarter 2015, click HERE — or view the slideshow below.
Donate to the LUM 5th Quarter Program. Make an investment in the children.
Photos – Summer 2015 – 5th Quarter: