LUM’s Impact in 2015 (So Far)
During the first five months of 2015, the Lafayette Urban Ministry touched the lives of 2,642 low-income households through one or another of our 16 programs. Families were strengthened and children were educated.
Here are some of the details…..
- LUM’s Free Tax Preparation Program
for low-wage workers filed 986 returns from mid-January through mid-April. Federal tax refunds and credits totaling $1,470,999.20 were returned to those households – an average refund of $1,491.89 per household! The average annual adjusted gross income for those served by the program was less than $14,000.
- LUM’s After School Program recently recessed for the school year. Sixty Kindergarten through 5th grade students participated in the program during the 2014 – 2015 school year. Homework help, tutoring, reading and academic enrichment programs helped our students to do better in school.
- LUM’s Emergency Shelter for the homeless provided 346 individuals overnight accommodations 5,666 times. The average guest utilized LUM’s shelter 16 nights during that time frame. Seventy-nine guests participated in LUM Case Management Services where they received help in leaving our shelter for more permanent housing.
- LUM’s Good Samaritan Fund provided $44,882 in direct cash assistance to 651 households.
- The St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry served 1,415 households.
- LUM’s 5th Quarter Summer Learning Retention Program started on June 1. Forty-two children are enrolled. LUM Overnight Summer Camp for Children takes place during the last week of July. Ninety children, 40 counselors and 25 program leaders will be in attendance!
- Seventy individuals were served in LUM’s ID Clinic. Nine individuals were served in LUM’s Immigration Clinic. Seven homeless individuals were recipients of LUM New Opportunity Fund grants. Free haircuts were given once each month at LUM to an average of 15 LUM clients. Thanks to local churches, an average of 45 individuals received a free Noon Meal every Sunday at LUM’s Ray Ewry Center.
If you wish to donate to a specific LUM Program, click HERE.