
Political Skills for the Digital Age

The LUM Campaign for Hoosier Families is CHF Community Meeting Poster (495x640)sponsoring a FREE community meeting focused on the topic of “Political Skills for the Digital Age.”

  • Date: Thursday, April 16
  • Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
  • Location: West Lafayette Public Library in the Elm and Walnut rooms
  • Refreshments


A learning seminar to maximize political participation among Hoosiers and their government. Representatives from CHF will highlight some of the bills in the Indiana General Assembly that have the greatest impact on Hoosier families. In addition, attendees will learn about useful social media and other new media devices that make understanding politics at the local and national level more convenient.

For more Information, call or email Meg Turnure, Give 5 Agency, Executive Director, (314) 600-3145, mturnure@purdue.edu.

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Campaign for Hoosier Families (CHF), an advocacy program under the umbrella of Lafayette Urban Ministry, will host a community meeting to teach Greater Lafayette residents the most effective ways to contact their Indiana state legislators during the remainder of the 2015 Indiana General Assembly. The community meeting will take place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., April 16, at the West Lafayette Public Library in the Elm and Walnut rooms.

Representatives from CHF will highlight some of the bills in the Indiana General Assembly that have the greatest impact on Hoosier families. In addition, attendees will learn about useful social media and other new media devices that make understanding politics at the local and national level more convenient.

CHF is a statewide alliance of faith-based organizations that engages local, state and federal officials on behalf of low-income families and children. Through social justice ministry and advocacy, CHF’s mission is to make a difference by improving the circumstances of individuals in need, specifically low-income families and children, while impacting the legislative systems on a larger, statewide scale.

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