
First LUM Client To Become Citizen

ic - first citizen

Susan Brouillette, Rafaela Santoyo, Joe Micon

Recently, the LUM Immigration Clinic celebrated a significant milestone. A client became the first individual served by the LUM Immigration Clinic to become a US Citizen.

Rafaela Lopez Santoyo joined about 100 others in the Burtsfield Gymnasium at the official oath ceremony and was sworn in as a US Citizen. Sharing in this celebration, Rafaela was joined by her family and the executive director and Immigration Clinic director of LUM, Joe Micon and Susan Brouillette, respectively.

When asked about the services she received from LUM, Rafaela said “I was impressed with how fast my application was processed. We received answers very quickly. Without LUM’s help it would not have been possible to be where I am now. Susan Brouillette was my guardian angel.” To see more photos from that day, click HERE.

The LUM Immigration Clinic helps low-income and vulnerable immigrants by providing a range of services such as determining eligibility for immigration benefits, answering questions, assisting clients file immigration forms, shepherding applications through the adjudications process, and connecting clients to other services. The LUM Immigration Clinic now starting its second year hopes others learn about their services and will follow in the footsteps of Rafaela.

For more information, click HERE or email or call Susan Brouillette (sbrouillette@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691).

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Immigration Clinic

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