
LUM Celebrates Volunteers

LUM Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception

On National Volunteer Day during US National Volunteer Week, LUM honored all of our dedicated volunteers at the LUM Volunteer Appreciation Reception. The event gave LUM staff and board members a chance to personally thank each of the volunteers in attendance. The celebration included remarks, treats, a slideshow, refreshments and music.

LUM relies on thousands of volunteers each year to “tackle basic human needs & uplift the people of Greater Lafayette.” Volunteers are performing extraordinary acts of service by giving their time and providing their expertise to each LUM program and event every day & night of the year. In 2022, 2,416 individuals engaged with LUM as a volunteer for a total of 17, 208 hours and 24 minutes. In addition to the impact these volunteers have made on the community, the estimated value ($29.42 per hour) of their collective hours is $506,335.69 (Do Good Institute, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland).

LUM also recognized Star Volunteers. Each LUM programs director nominated at least one volunteer from their program who made a significant positive impact in 2022. This year’s Star Volunteers are as follows:

  • Chuck Anderson, Hunger Hike & LUM Board of Directors
  • Dawn Copas, Bulk Mailings
  • Ann Cripe, Jubilee Christmas
  • Jessica Day, Afternoon Receptionist
  • Susan Edgell, Youth Programs: After School Program
  • Carol Hahm, Food Pantry: Protein
  • Margaret Hass, Immigration Clinic
  • Tom & Jacob Kanaby, 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • Cris King, Financial Assistance Program
  • Rob Patrick, Tax Assistance Program
  • Connie Smith, Youth Programs: LUM Camp
  • Brandyn Stack, Emergency Shelter
  • Faythe Stewart, Youth Programs: 5th Summer Learning Program
  • Jean Tyner, Food Pantry – Westside
  • Diane West, Turkey Trot 5K Run
  • Melinda White, Community Thanksgiving Celebration

Please join us in thanking each and every volunteer, especially the Star Volunteers. If you wish to volunteer with LUM please click the button below or email volunteer@LUMserve.org.

Volunteering defines America.  Our Nation is a place where light triumphs over darkness, where we seek to lift everyone up, and where we lead not by the example of our power but by the power of our example.  As those who volunteer know firsthand, service also benefits the volunteer.  It can teach important skills, help build professional networks, and provide an empowering sense of purpose.  Volunteering brings people together, uniting us around our common belief in the dignity and equality of every person and giving us a chance to learn from others we might otherwise never meet. 

A Proclamation on National Volunteer Week, 2023

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