
LUM Social Justice Team – New Year Focus

Advocating for Tax Credits & Support for Families

The LUM Social Justice Team has been focused on bringing more money back to Hoosier families by supporting the following:

  • SB270 – The LUM Social Justice Team met with Senator Ron Alting to discuss the Indiana Earned Income Tax Credit. As a result, Senator Alting authored SB270 to increase the state EITC, which would make a real difference for hard-working Hoosiers. The bill also would allow the credit for up to three children (an increase from two).
  • HB1290 – LUM Public Policy Advocate testified in support of this bill, authored by Representative Goodrich, which would increase the state EITC. LUM will continue to meet with legislators on this issue.
  • SB265 – LUM submitted testimony in favor of TANF Eligibility which will allow more families in Indiana to qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and increase benefits which have not been raised since 1988.

As legislation progresses, LUM will need your help in supporting bills that will support Hoosier families. This is a long session, so please stay tuned for more updates and action alerts. The LUM Social Justice Team members are Tim Bobillo, Deb Parent, Patti O’Callaghan, Kathryn Williams, and Wes Tillett.

A strong, public voice for Hoosier families and children in need

FIND YOUR Your State Legislators

Follow this link to find out: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/. Every phone call and email makes a difference as we work to protect the interests of Hoosier Families!

To find out more information about bills that are being watched by the Campaign for Hoosier Families go to www.lumserve.org/bill-watch-list/.

Campaign for Hoosier Families is an alliance of faith-based organizations that engages local, state and federal officials on behalf of low-income Hoosier families and children. To find out more information about bills that are being watched by the Campaign for Hoosier Families, please click HERE.

Thank you for helping to support Hoosier Families!

If you wish to make a donation to the LUM Social Justice Ministry, click HERE.

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