LUM Annual Report 2021 -Our Story
LUM serves this community night and day, round the clock, 365 days a year. The 45+ churches that combine to provide 20 programs and events through LUM would not be possible without supporters like you.
In 2021, LUM served close to 3,000 households, which was all the more vital in the midst of this pandemic. Thank you for the role you play in honoring the dignity of every person in Greater Lafayette.
You make a life-giving impact every night and every day.
Chuck Anderson
President, Board of Directors
You did it again. In 2021, you made a night and day difference for children and families in our community. You liberated people from the stifling grip of poverty. You provided people with solid ground on which to build a better future. You did what Jesus taught: to love & serve “the least of these.” Thank you!
Wes Tillett
Executive Director