LUM Annual Staff Retreat at MatchBOX
Topic: Building an Antiracist Workplace at LUM

Recently, the Lafayette Urban Ministry staff members participated in a daylong, professional development retreat at the MatchBOX Coworking Studio, Lafayette. The LUM Staff Retreat is an annual opportunity to pause, learn, interact & be better.
The topic was, “Building an Antiracist Workplace.” The interactive workshop was led by Dr. Jacqueline M. Gatson (Cooper Gatson & Associates and Purdue Engineering), and covered cultural identity, hidden bias, micro-aggression, stereotype threat, bodily racist, and behavioral racism. Dr. Gatson encouraged conversations to bring awareness to racism in our work and created a safe space for everyone to share their experiences openly. It was powerful retreat. Each staff member was open-minded, eager to learn and excited to grow.
Using the MatchBOX studio with enhanced technology and social distancing as well as allowing staff to attend remotely, the retreat was safe and successful. Staff members also had an opportunity to learn more about each other — creating a stronger team.
Special THANKS to Dr. Gatson, everyone at MatchBOX, and the Tippecanoe County Public Library for making this year’s LUM Staff Retreat the best retreat ever. To view more PHOTOS from the retreat, click HERE.