NEWS from the LUM Immigration Clinic
A letter from LUM Immigration Clinic Director,
Rev. Susan Brouillette
Dear community,

We are pleased to bring you our first LUM Immigration Clinic newsletter for immigrants. We have tried to cover some of the major changes in immigration regulations, including the new public charge rules, expected increases in United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) application fees, the Supreme Court’s decisions on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and success stories from our clients.
We have also included a link to the video on our website which features our clients and their experiences with the LUM Immigration Clinic. The newsletter also provides a brief article regarding the LUM Immigration Clinic’s credentials and what it means to be an authorized U.S. Department of Justice legal service provider and accredited representative.
We hope that you will find this useful and will let us know how we can improve our services.