15 Days to Jubilee Christmas
VOLUNTEER elves are needed for Jubilee Christmas part 2 & part 3 on Saturday, December 14. If you would like to host a family and assist them in shopping for their children, please sign up. Please also SHARE this with others.
To be successful, Jubilee Christmas also relies on DONATIONS from churches, organizations and individuals. You can help by donating a cash gift of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more to Jubilee Christmas. Your cash gift to Jubilee Christmas may be given in honor of a friend or family member — in lieu of a holiday gift. LUM will send a Holiday Card sharing that a donation has been made by you to Jubilee Christmas in their name.
Jubilee Christmas donations of new, unwrapped toys, clothing (newborn to 12-year-old), books, games, sports equipment, quilts/family blankets are welcome. Donations may be dropped off at the LUM Office, Greyhouse Coffee & Supply Co. & Brokerage Brewing Company. Click the “Donate” button make a monetary donation as well as a wishlist of our needs and JC donation center locations and times.
Donate Items — Jubilee Christmas Wishlist — new items only
- Toys, Board Games, Dolls, Lego sets, Dress up & Pretend Play, Play kitchen items
- Highest need — children aged 10 – 12 years old
- No Guns, please
- Sports & Recreation equipment — Balls & equipment (basketball, soccer, kick balls, baseball, etc.), Bikes, Outdoor games (Flying discs – Frisbee, Hula-hoops, Jump ropes, Family games)
- Books (grade-level: Pre-K through teen)
- Craft Kits & Art Supplies
- Children’s clothing — outfits; winter coats, gloves, hats, scarves, boots;
- Blankets & Quilts — each family gets at least one for the family
- Wrapping Paper, Gift Bags, Tape
- Batteries
- Gift Cards — Food cards, Gift cards for teen siblings
- Bottled water
- Trash bags (30 gallon)
Donation Centers are as follows:
- LUM Office
420 N 4th Street, Lafayette
— Monday, December 2 through Friday, December 6 — 1 to 5 p.m. - Oakland High School/LARA
1100 Elizabeth Street, Lafayette (rear – cafeteria entrance)
— Monday, December 9 & Tuesday, December 10 — 1 to 5 p.m. - Brokerage Brewing Company
2516 Covington Street, West Lafayette
— Through Monday, December 9; HOURS: Mon. – Thurs. 3-9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. noon-midnight, Sun. 1-8 p.m. - Greyhouse Coffee & Supply Co.
100 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette
— Through Monday, December 9; HOURS: Mon. – Fri. 7 a.m.-10:30 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
For more information on LUM Jubilee Christmas, click HERE.
| Make a Donation | Volunteer | Donate Toys |