Turkey Trot 5K Run – Register Today
Fundraiser for LUM benefiting Local Families

Don’t forget to get registered for the most festive 5K run of the year — the LUM Turkey Trot 5K Run. Families, dogs, walkers, strollers, wagons, costumes & turkey hats are welcome. It is a great way start off your Thanksgiving day. Build lifetime memories — and support local families in need through the programs of Lafayette Urban Ministry.
The LUM Turkey Trot 5K Run details are as follows:
- Date: Thursday, November 28
- Times: Run start time — 8 a.m.; Check-In — 6:30-7:45 a.m.
- Place: Near Walmart, 2801 Cumberland Ave,West Lafayette
- Fees: $35 Adult; $10 Youth (under 13)
- Register: click HERE
- Course: Cattail Trail Loop – Celery Bog Nature Area. View route map HERE.
- Volunteer: to sign up to volunteer, click HERE
- More information: go to turkeytrot5krun.org.
If your business or group would like to become an event sponsor, call or email us (765-423-2691 | turkeytrot@lumserve.org).