
LUM Immigration Clinic Expands Capacity

“Team Work is Critical”
{Pictured from Left to Right: Aparna Puri, Margaret Hass, Tom Busch, Adelia Sorge, and Joy Grow.}

The LUM Immigration Clinic team is extremely fortunate to have 3 attorneys who provide invaluable expertise and expand the services that the clinic is able to offer. The three attorneys are Tom Busch, Erin Brewster, and Joy Grow. Joy also serves as the clinic’s legal advisor.
Additional Accredited Representatives
When the LUM Immigration Clinic opened its doors in 2014, director Susan Brouillette was the only accredited representative. However, this past spring five longtime volunteers: Mary Tilden, Margaret Hass, Aparna Puri, Beata Ribeiro, and Adelia Sorge, received accreditation by the U.S Department of Justice. Now these 5 volunteers are able to assist immigration clients directly. Like attorneys, accredited individuals have authorization to provide immigration advice, fill out immigration forms and draft legal documents.
Having more than doubled its capacity, the LUM Immigration Clinic is able to assist twice as many people with their immigration cases. In order to receive accreditation, volunteers took a Comprehensive Immigration Law (COIL) class equivalent to 80 hours of work. Reflecting on the process, Beata Riberio commented “I feel stronger and better prepared to assist immigration clinic clients. She added “client cases are often complicated but working together as a team increases the overall competency and the ability of the organization to provide quality immigration services. “
Elisha Hollandbeck and Brook Perez, both paralegals with Gutwein Law, completed the COIL course in March and are accruing the practical training necessary to submit their applications for accreditation to the Department of Justice.
To view more quotes from the LUM Immigration Clinic legal team about their
experiences and motivation for volunteering, please click HERE.

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Immigration Clinic

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