LUM 5th Quarter Students Explore Science
Study Trip to Local Family Science Center

Recently, the students enrolled in the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program took a trip to a local family science center in Lafayette. During their visit they explored the entire science center and had an opportunity to experience and learn about engineering & building, chemical reactions, animal care, reptiles & amphibians, and virtual reality. The highlight of the day was the chemistry lab session with hands-on experiments using pure, solid carbon dioxide (CO2) — dry ice (pictured).
At least once a week, the LUM students go on an excursion, locally, to continue their summer learning (zoo, library, museum, firehouse) and for recreation (swimming, bowling, local park, hiking).
If you wish to support the LUM 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program — you may make a monetary donation, sponsor a study/recreation trip, volunteer, and/or donate snacks and supplies. For more information, click HERE or email Kristi Hogue at To view more photos of the LUM 5th Quarter, click HERE.