New Location – LUM After School Program
LUM Youth Programs Return to LUM Youth Center
Early this fall, the LUM After School Program returned to the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center. The move and transition was smooth and positive. Thanks to Our Saviour Lutheran Church (pictured right) and the West Lafayette Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (pictured below) for assisting with the move, clean up and set up at the new location.
The LUM After School Program provides safe, fun and enriching childcare for up to 60 children in Kindergarten to 8th grade in Tippecanoe County. The children are transported by bus from their schools to the LUM After School Program at the LUM Youth Center. For up to three hours each school day, the students work on homework, have a nutritious snack, and participate in craft projects, music, and other fun recreational and educational activities — enabling their parents to finish their workday. The program is staffed by a professionally trained educator, teacher’s aides, interns and volunteers. All of their training exceeds State of Indiana requirements.
The LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center is an ideal location for the LUM After School Program. Many of the benefits have already been realized, and the potential for more improvements is exciting.