
Young Donor – Jonah Donates to LUM

5 Year Old Lafayette Youth Gives to LUM

Jonah Smith, 5 year old from Lafayette, has a piggy bank filled with money that he’s received as gifts and for chores. When it’s full, Jonah divides his money by three and puts one third into his savings account, spends one third, and gives one third to a local charity. This time Jonah selected Lafayette Urban Ministry as the recipient of his piggy bank savings. Jonah is in Kindergarten and is homeschooled. This act of kindness was part of a lesson on “money” and was tied to giving more during Lent. He was able to donate $9.87 to LUM. Jonah and his family are member of Immanuel United Church of Christ, Lafayette. LUM is grateful to Jonah for his generous donation.

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