LUM Camp – When I Grow Up
Summer 2017
Registered nurse
Software developer
Computer analyst
Dear Friend,
These, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, will be the five fastest growing careers in the United States over the next ten years. And while not every young person may choose to enter a career in one of these professions, it is never too soon to help a child think and dream about what could lie ahead.
That’s why this year at LUM Camp we will be spending much of our week talking with campers about careers and the educational foundation they will need to secure a future bright with promise.
It’s LUM Camp 2017… When I Grow Up!
LUM Camp is an overnight camp for boys and girls 8, 9 and 10 years old. They are children who are from families served by the Lafayette Urban Ministry. Our camp is one of Indiana’s most well-respected summer camp programs for at-risk children.
Every morning begins with chapel. Then it is on to a full day of hiking, riding horses, boating, swimming, arts and entertainment. LUM Camp is known for its great food, outstanding facilities, experienced staff and counselors and enough singing, skits and activities to make our camp fun and memorable for every child who attends!
And this year, we will help our LUM Campers to think, ponder and dream about their futures.
They will meet scientists, educators, civil servants, health care professionals, trade workers, information technology experts and small business owners. There will be hospitality, manufacturing and human resource professionals. Artists, entertainers, graphic designers and electronic media experts will come to LUM Camp to teach the children about what they do and why it is important.
In addition, we will lift up the importance of education as we discuss and model the interpersonal skills needed by our campers to be successful in whatever career paths they choose. Hard work, collaboration, good listening skills, respect for differing viewpoints and successful problem solving will all be modeled through thoughtful, fun and engaging activities. Our plans for LUM Camp 2017 are a big order – and that’s why I am writing to you.
LUM Camp is a scholarship-based camp. We only invite children whose parents are not able to pay for the $150/child cost of camp. I am hoping that you will consider a gift of $150 to send a child to LUM Camp. Your campership will pay for a child’s transportation, room and board, camp activities, supplies and all of our career oriented programs and educators – everything he or she will need to attend this year’s LUM Camp.
- Sending $300 will allow two children to attend LUM Camp
- Sending $450 will provide three camperships
- $75 will provide one-half of a campership
Not every child at this year’s LUM Camp will find themselves in one of the top 5 Bureau of Labor Statistics careers when they grow up – but thanks to camp, some will. Not every camper may even fully understand all the important responsibilities of all the people, in all of the uniforms and lab coats, who cared enough to come to camp to spend time with them.
But I can guarantee that each child will remember LUM Camp as a wonderfully positive place where they were exposed to a world of possibility – a place where they were instilled with dreams for the future strong enough to see them through difficult times.
LUM Camp is one of the finest overnight summer camp programs available to children anywhere. It will take place during the week of July 31 at beautiful Hanging Rock Camp in Warren County. I know of nearly 100 children who are waiting for the chance to attend.
Please, won’t you help build their futures by offering to them the gift of LUM Camp?
PS: It costs $150 to send a child to LUM Camp. Place your campership in the mail, drop it off at our office, or contribute online at