For Sale — Automatic Folding Machine
LUM is selling an Electric Automatic Folding Machine. LUM’s needs changed — and a new one was purchased.
Here are some details on the one for sale:
- Make/model/year purchased: Dynafold, DE-202AF, 2011
- Price: asking $500; Value new is $1,800
- Folds up to 500 sheets at one time
- Fold options: single, double, fold-out, letter, zig-zag, cross
- Folds paper up from 3½”x5” to 11”x17”, 16-40 lbs.
- Electric, Automatic, Auto feed friction type
- Good working condition
If you are interesting in purchasing it or taking a look at it, please email or call Linda Hicks, LUM Office Manager ( | 765-423-2691).