Polar Vortex: Impact on LUM Homeless Guests
LUM Severe Winter Weather Protocol Lafayette Urban Ministry has a shelter protocol for severely cold and snowy weather. LUM provides bus transportation from the local day shelter to the LUM Emergency
Artic Blast — Impact on LUM Emergency Shelter
Winter Has Arrived! Lafayette Urban Ministry has a shelter protocol for severely cold and snowy weather. LUM provides bus transportation from the local day shelter to the LUM Emergency Shelter
Wind Chill Emergency – Thanks to Volunteers
Special thanks this week to ALL of our LUM emergency shelter volunteers especially our bus drivers — Clarinda Crawford (left), Jerry Eaton and Ernie Haupt (below)—for their dedicated service during
Wind Chill Impact on LUM Emergency Shelter
Winter Has Arrived! Lafayette Urban Ministry has a shelter protocol for severely cold and snowy weather. In collaboration with the City of Lafayette and Mental Health America, LUM will provide