Local Church Youth Groups Service Day at LUM
Mission Lafayette – Lafayette Urban Ministry

Recently, the Heartland Community Church Youth Ministry (Vessel) and Battle Ground United Methodist Church Youth Group assisted in cleaning and doing outside chores at the LUM Ray Ewry Center and office building. This was part of their 6th annual Mission Lafayette service week, where a group of middle and high school students work together to serve the local community. The students were led by the Rev. Brandon Smith (Heartland) and Allen Gould (Battle Ground UMC). Their goal is to give these young adults an opportunity to grow their faith through service work in their own community.
LUM is very thankful for the help from these two hard-working youth groups. LUM relies on groups like these to get most of our outside work done. If your group is interested in helping out with yard-work or mowing the lawns, please email or call us (lum@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691).
If you wish to VOLUNTEER, click HERE for more information.
To view more PHOTOS of Mission Lafayette at LUM, click HERE.