LUM Client Becomes US Citizen
Congratulations, José Arturo Puente Berumen

José “Arturo” Puente Berumen, a LUM Immigration Clinic client, recently participated in the US Naturalization Oath Ceremony in South Bend. At the ceremony, he was sworn in at the federal courthouse and became a US citizen. In preparation for this day, Arturo attended the LUM Citizenship Classes. The LUM Immigration Clinic has assisted with many individuals who are now US citizens — like Arturo. Currently, the LUM Immigration Clinic team is working with individuals who hope to become US citizens soon.
The LUM Citizenship Classes are offered three times a year. The next session begins Tuesday, April 16. For more information about the LUM Immigration Clinic, click HERE; or email or call Susan Brouillette ( | 765-423-2691). If you wish to donate to the LUM Immigration Clinic, click the button below.
{Pictured above L to R are the Rev. Susan Brouillette, LUM Immigration Clinic director, Arturo and Beata Ribeiro, LUM Citizenship Classes instructor.}