LUM Shelter Awarded $26K Grant
The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette Supports LUM Emergency Shelter
“It is a wonderful feeling to help those who are trying to help themselves. The LUM Emergency Shelter is such an integral part of our community that a grant to the shelter has a direct impact – helping the members of our community who have some very basic and immediate needs – and who need it the most. The new mattresses and water heater will allow individuals to get a good night’s sleep, wash off the old day, and wake up with a new attitude and self-respect to get on a path for a brighter future.”
Rick Olson (Kettelhut Construction Inc.)
Board of Directors member/Grant Committee Chair
The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette

Pictured L to R: Greg Kapp, president & CEO, The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette; Joan Low, LUM board VP; Cheryl Ubelhor, CFGL program director; Deb Parent, LUM board member; and Rick Olson, CFGL board member
Lafayette Urban Ministry is thrilled to be the recipient of a Tier 1 Discretionary Grant from The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette. LUM has been awarded $26,642.65 to purchase much needed items for the Emergency Shelter.
LUM will use this grant money to replace all 45 mattresses at the shelter including vinyl mattress and pillow covers. The current mattresses are over 18 years old but have been kept in good shape over the years because they are covered and inspected and cleaned regularly. Part of the grant money will be used to replace the water heater at the shelter as well which has not been functioning properly for the past few months.
LUM Board members, Deb Parent and Joan Low attended the Grant Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, May 14, 2013; at which The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette awarded $102,493 in grants to five charitable organizations. Among these was LUM member church, First United Methodist Church. The grant criteria states that the recipients’ projects must address at least one of the six priority community needs adopted by The Foundation’s Board of Directors: Education – Children/Youth – Health – Diversity – Physical Environment – Arts & Culture. This round of grants focused on Health and the Arts.
“I am happy that The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette was able to award a grant to LUM to cover the cost of new mattresses and a hot water heater for LUM’s Emergency Shelter. It was a true community need. In 2012, 607 individuals were provided emergency overnight shelter and, on average, each stayed about 20 nights. The mattresses being used each evening were about 18 years old, worn, and in obvious need of replacement. Each mattress had been used at least 4,750 times since its original purchase.”
Cheryl Ubelhor
Program Director
The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette
The mattresses will be manufactured by Holder Bedding – a family owned company in Lafayette. According to representatives at Holder Bedding, LUM’s order of 45 mattresses will created new jobs in Lafayette. LUM appreciates The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette. The Foundation’s financial support over the years has had a positive impact on the programs and services of LUM and more importantly the families in our community.
“LUM is so very grateful for the new mattresses and water heater for our many homeless shelter guests. We are even more grateful to live in a community with a community foundation so in tune with local needs and so able to respond in such significant ways. The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette is making a HUGE difference!”
Joe Micon, LUM executive director