
Eagle Scout Candidate Partners with LUM

Patrick Krane, Eagle Scout candidate, partnered with LUM to complete his Eagle Scout Service Project. Patrick develop a proposal to renovate the alley outside the LUM administration building to prevent further erosion from rain. During the month of November, Patrick and his crew, made up of other scouts from his troop, weeded the sidewalk area, removed the old mulch and top layer to soil, installed a water permeable barrier to prevent plant growth, and covered the area with landscaping stone. Patrick’s new design will allow water flow without further damage to the ground and will prevent soil from building up in the parking lot.

Patrick developed a plan, analyze the situation, raised funds, ordered supplies, recruited a crew to work on site, and successfully completed the project. Patrick is one step closer to becoming an Eagle Scout by working with LUM on this important project.

Appreciation and congratulations to Patrick Krane.

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0 thoughts on “Eagle Scout Candidate Partners with LUM”

  1. Joe Micon says:

    Way to go Patrick – it looks terrific. Many thanks to you and your scouting compadres for your hard work and dedication! Joe Micon

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