
Seeds of Vision

Ecumenical Social Service Agencies
in the East North Central States

As communities of faith engaged in the hard work of lifting up the least among us, there is so much that we can learn from one another. 

It is our humble hope that Seeds of Vision will help make that possible by providing a platform for Ecumenical Social Service Agencies from across the East North Central region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin) to share their knowledge and experience. Our faith calls upon us to serve the poor and afflicted in our midst. 

By coming together and sharing the work that we do – both our challenges and our successes — perhaps we can all find new ways to help those in our community who are crying out for help.

Connect on Social Media — Join the Seeds of Vision Facebook Group — click HERE.

If you know of other ecumenical social service agencies in your area who should be receiving Seeds of Vision, please send their contact information to dreamteam@lumserve.org — or share this page and ask them to complete the form below.

If you would like to see your agency, or one of your programs, featured in Seeds of Vision, please email Josh Prokopy at dreamteam@lumserve.org.  We would love to work with you.  We’ll conduct a brief telephone interview before drafting an article and sending it to you for your approval.  

Seeds of Vision News

February 24, 2021 – Ecumenical Social Service Agencies – Newsletter

2020 Seeds of Vision eNewsletters October | July | April |