
LUM “Flipped the Switch” to Solar Energy

Reception Engaged Students in Energy Lesson

At a special event earlier this week, LUM “flipped the switch” to the newly installed solar energy system. Joe Micon, LUM executive director, hosted the event and engaged the attendees, especially the students from the LUM After School Program, in an informative and interactive presentation on the power of the sun and benefits of solar energy. He also thanked each donor and presented them with a plaque. The ceremony concluded with the donors, board members and a few LUM students “flipping switches” and displaying the online monitor of solar energy intake at LUM (pictured above). Special thanks to the Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette, McAllister Foundation, Tipmont REMC, Vectron Foundation and an anonymous donor for making this project financially possible.

In addition to the environmental benefits of going solar, the saving to LUM will potentially be $6,618 per year. This total includes the savings from the reduction in energy needed as well as revenue from trading Solar Renewable Energy Credits. This money will be re-invested in LUM programs & services in support of local families. LUM has also committed to freezing the enrollment fees for the LUM After School Program for the next three years.
  • Photos — to view more photos from the event, click HERE
  • Video — to view the video from the event, click HERE
  • Media — to read the media coverage of the event, click HERE
Please visit the LUM Office building soon and check out our new steel roof, solar panels, utility boxes and energy monitor.

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