
Campaign for Hoosier Families

c4hf logoThe Campaign for Hoosier Families engages local, state, and federal officials on behalf of low income families and children.  Since it was incorporated in 1972,  LUM has included “advocacy” as part its mission.   In service to this mission, staff, board members, and volunteers have  lobbied public officials so that the working poor are treated justly and that public assistance programs lead to real and sustainable economic stability.

In order to maximize its impact and effectiveness, Campaign for Hoosier Families partners with other organizations including:  the Indiana Coalition for Human Services, the Indiana Catholic Conference, the Homelessness Prevention & Intervention NetworkVision 2020, Tippecanoe Child Abuse Prevention Council, Heartford House, and CASA for Kids Fund.  (Check out the latest newsletter from the Indiana Coalition for Human Services, click HERE.)

Some of the bills we follow relate to Minimum Wage, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credit, Temporary Aid for Needy Families, Food and Nutrition Programs, Housing Assistance, and Immigration Reform.

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Social Justice Ministry

Volunteer with the Campaign for Hoosier Families — engage in Legislative Advocacy — Get Started, click HERE.

News & Information

  • LUM Bill Watch List – To review the list of legislation that the LUM Campaign for Hoosier Families is monitoring, click HERE.
  • Newsletter for Campaign for Hoosier Families. To view all newsletters, click HERE.

Email Wes Tillett if you have any questions or would like more information (lum@lumserve.org).

Do you feel a tug on your heart to protect low income children and families and to remove barriers that keep people from realizing their full potential?  Do you believe that we share a collective responsibility to lift people out of poverty and to give them tools to live more satisfying and productive lives?  Are you offended when those who have the least are treated as scapegoats for budget cuts and government reforms?  Are you prepared to “do justice” and to “be mercy” but don’t know where to get started?  Are you already part of an advocacy network and see the benefit of building alliances?  We at Campaign for Hoosier Families want to partner with you.  We too are on a journey to be justice for the poor and invite you to take up your pens and unfurl your keyboards in support of low income families and children.

While advocacy takes many forms, it primarily involves calling or writing legislators to express support or opposition for legislation pending in the Indiana General Assembly or on capitol hill. In addition to bill tracking, Campaign for Hoosier Families provides links and contact information for legislators, issue briefs, bill tracking,  action alerts, as well as strategies for effective communication and coalition building.

Thank you for your willingness to partner in our campaign and amplify the voices of persons who historically been muted. Campaign for Hoosier Families looks forward to working with you and standing up together for families needing a foothold and hand up.

Form – Once Campaign for Hoosiers Families has your contact information, you will begin receiving emails. Sign up for updates from the LUM Campaign for Hoosier Families, here —